Con experiencia en consultoría, mercadeo y publicidad digital, informatica y tecnología, podemos ayudarlo a determinar el nivel apropiado de alineación e integración para toda su organización. Para obtener más información, programe una cita para recibir una evaluación comercial gratuita.
Starfish*Global abre sus puertas en Nueva Jersey para atender las necesidades de las empresas emergentes en el área triestatal de Nueva York.
Starfish*Global se asocia con eContence, una compañía de tecnología con sede en Rockville, MD, para ampliar su cartera y ofrecer servicios de tecnología y desarrollo e integración de sistemas en el área metropolitana de Washington DC.
Starfish*Global y eContence se incorporan y se trasladan a Lyndhurst, NJ, para consolidar su cartera de servicios y su centro de operaciones de red.
Los fundadores de Starfish*Global se convierten en consultores de los Centros de Desarrollo de Pequeñas Empresas en Nueva Jersey como Asesores de Negocios y Tecnología bilingües (español e inglés) en el Colegio de Nueva Jersey, la Universidad de Rutgers - NB y la Universidad William Paterson.
Starfish*Global expande sus servicios de consultoría empresaria y tecnología a Guatemala para satisfacer las necesidades de las empresas en América Latina.
You are pretty awesome to work with. Incredibly organized, easy to communicate with, responsive, always engaged and beautiful work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will definitely recommend you to my friends!
Nora ParedesAG Green Future
We are impressed by Starfish*Global's ability to, literally, read our minds and deliver a corporate identity that perfectly symbolizes our vision and conveys the stylish, elegant and modern image we needed to project as an interior design company.
Peggy JonesPeggy's Designs
What a great class we had tonight! Reina- you were so helpful and knowledgeable! Can't wait for next weeks class! Thanks again for all of your advice!
Dina WalkerTreasures Embraced
The support provided by Reina Valenzuela on our social media and website strategies has been outstanding, her expertise and patience allow us to get the most from
our recently created sites. Thanks!!!!!
Chef RafaPatatas de Rafa
I want to express to you my sincere thanks as a person starting to get their small business off the ground. The help of your organization, in particular Oscar, has been fabulous. I spent in excess of an hour with Oscar on the phone. He patiently help me with everything I had questions for at this time. Very impressed with Oscar‘s knowledge, understanding, and guidance. You should be proud to have someone of his caliber working with you guys. I consider him an asset not only to me, but he must be a tremendous asset to your organization. I am so thankful and appreciative for all of your time so far. I’m sure I’ll have more questions, but to have someone to be able to turn to, like your company, is a blessing that I will never forget.
Brian Anderson Rhino Dumpster Rental